Reasons why you remain SINGLE (ladies take note)

It is no news that even the better of the best of ladies isn't finding it pleasant when it comes to holding on to a particular partner .They seem to have searched within them for the best reasons as to the occurrence of this phenomenon " WHY AM I STILL SINGLE "... Definitely through thorough search and research, the answer will become so obvious but the element of hiding from the truth still lingers.. If a lady keeps paying tribute to the following attributes subconsciously or consciously then the Single's World is her Abode... Here comes the Reasons to the unsolved PUZZLE: WHY ARE YOU STILL SINGLE? 1. ARROGANCE You are proud, yet you expect a man to approach you, you are extremely on your own. You are not afraid to talk back at any human, You find fault in every man that left timidity all in the name of expressing himself.You are fast to compare men as they come ...