Cock, like pu??y is often believed to be a sensitive area that needs to be constantly observed, monitored and treated every now and then to prevent stories that touch. Often times, a lot of people have argued for or against man's use of under-wears; boxers short, panties or even leaving it natural. To some, boxer shorts work more magic down there than the panties because the chance of growth in an open/spacious garden is more realistic than a congested one. On the other end, the use of panties by men usually occurs on a special note; to pack an elongated specie or for the sake of usual practices experienced at a younger age. See pics below for more clarification. RELATED; Guys Profession Ladies Need to Understand before Dating their Type Oops!!!, i can't believe my eyes. A dangling cock, therefore, has a lot of benefits than a jam-packed one from a sensible point of view. Lately, sexual harassment has not only be seen from the usual angle ''f