Fatherhood; The Exact Reason The World Lives On Today

As we have a general consensus on Independent Day Celebration from far and near, there remains a huge controversy on the exact day celebration for father's day and mother's day. This alone makes one feels unaware and pretty unprepared for the celebration of one's father or mother. I beseech we patiently wait for a moment when a day will be known and registered far and near for father's day celebration.

For one reason or the other, this day marks another day celebration of our fathers. Father as discussed here does not simply mean your biological father but rather encompasses whosoever that holds the mantle of power and authority over you. Fatherhood goes beyond your immediate and extended family; political office holders are our fathers, spiritual leaders are our fathers, community leaders are our fathers, while security personnel are our fathers.

Special characteristics that makes Fatherhood worthwhile in the World Today are as follows;
  • Household protector/guidance 
  • Key decision maker
  • Provider for (all) family needs
  • Authority at all times 
  • Arrow Head of Operation
  • Advocator
  • Teacher/Role Model
Hence, fatherhood importance to the World of today cannot be underestimated for the continuous spinning of the Globe today. Noticeably, ninety percent (90%) of father's today occupy powerful political offices either by election or selection - making key decisions affecting and influencing lives of inhabitants either positively or negatively. Invariably, fatherhood revolves around being responsible at all times. Note, whatsoever you do as a father forever lingers in the heart of your children and those that works under you.

However, the trending situation of single parenthood all over the World has therefore made some father forget/abandon their responsibilities. No matter the condition/situation, your father remains your father. For instance, the trending billionaire Kidnapper "Chukwudemeje George Onwamadike" a.k.a Evans this day remains a father to some children. No matter the situation or condition, celebrate your father today (his sperm counts on you).



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