Breathtaking Mother – in Law you don’t wanna MESS with (LADIES SEE THIS)

Breathtaking Mother-in-law you don't wanna mess with
Are you aware that no matter how juicy or rosy your relationship is, a mother in-law is capable of scuppering your happiness day-in-day-out if not successfully tear you two apart. Obviously, she is not the one you are getting married to but you dare not risk having a “bitch, or witch” as a mother in law. The end is near from far for such. 

Although, an head – head tussle might not be something worthwhile considering the status of the mother in question as well as the value the ward placed on her. Here are few clues to detect them and who they actually are before crossing their path. 
  • They usually possesses/show unconditional love to their son/daughter and show little or no concern for the new entrant's well being – feelings, values, thoughts... In simplicity, they are mostly obsessed with their child you planning to marry or eventually married. The feeling is irrational and mostly observed when the party involved is less privilege - social status wise. 
  • They are always authoritative in totality – utterances, actions and reactions. They see the intending family member as a slave (gold digger at times) that can be ordered around any time, any day. In short, respect is totally missing in the form of interaction. 
  • They tend to make decisions for their beloved son/daughter – Who to marry? and When to marry? When eventually married, they interfere every now and then to make decision anywhere such is required. 
  • They are always pokenosing into the affair of their son checking out how the lady treats the beloved son and vice versa. 
  • They always get what they want by frustrating the life of their son's/daughter's choice. They are mostly living in the past because they believe so much in their initiatives and ideas without soliciting opinions from others. They are always right and never wrong. 
 At the spot of any of the aforementioned sign, flee for your life is at risk (if the situation is more than you can manage) May God grant you a good mother in law


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