Major Reasons you may Need to Consider a Distance Relationship

Need to consider distance relationship
Obviously, the sweetness in relationships today goes beyond the other word for gender "s3x" from the sensible individualistic point of view. Distance relationship makes this a reality while a face-face relationship is under tension to contest with the lustful desires to satisfy either the man or the woman. 

Note, the  elements, or necessities in any juicy/rosy relationships boils down to the individual – orientation, experience, background, maturity to mention but a few. Nevertheless, time is at stake in any relationship embarked on since it’s a commitment. Trust is another factor whose stand must be solid or else rooms for double dating or more are made possible. 
All said and done, there are more than few reasons to consider distance relationships today vis; 

It is the true test of genuine love – this is where care, attention... can either prove or guarantee the livability and sustainability of the relationship. Although, the length of the relationship has nothing to do with this one but its a factor. 

It is the true test of maturity – this shows how disciplined the body, mind and soul is to cultivate a relationship. This section is a testing ground for the commitment level of the duo involved to their future. 

It gives room for respect – value because they get to see once in a red moon (the moon can be blue all the time). Respect here does not necessarily have any connection to the age difference (if there's any) but rather it must be reciprocal in utterances, actions and reactions. 

It’s more comforting because there is total freedom (expression, movement but with (strict) principles to adhere to avoid trust issues. I have learnt some people are also good at stalking their partner within/outside their locality. This is not a good thing to do – it will only breed the actions that are not originally there. 

Do you know there is a possibility of living around your choice (love) without feeling a strong bond to him/her? Don't get it twisted, distance relationship brings more intimacy when the body, mind and soul connects often even without getting to see as expected. I know you wondering how the intimacy comes to stay - its a natural feeling. 



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