Bizarre Things 21st Century Folks are Celebrating Today
Let it be echoed that all living entity (nation) had a touch of madness absorbed and taken in as a lifestyle in the world today. The touch started somewhere, somehow found its way through discovery, diffusion, and culture contact into the life of people which had been passed from one generation to the other. Although there is an element of sane in their insanity the acceptability of the latter surpasses the former.
Globally, the riches of today are mostly accumulated through “insanity” which at one time been massively frowned at. What “insanity ponder in your heart? Are you lost here or kept in the dark? Are you bothered about the degree/extent of the sprawl of the global touch “madness”? Have you finally lost your mind?. Get on the track and let’s see through the insanity of today.
Insanity today can be seen in actions and reactions of people within their callings/vocations/passion. It is therefore reflective in the life of a person going against the code and conduct of his disciple cum profession. Insanity more often than not is simply the act of giving out what doesn’t add value to the human race. There are some few questions that will broaden your horizon as to the context of this piece.
- Do you know that fashion today is insane?
- Can you see the insanity in music?
- Do you feel the inappropriateness in the choice of relationship?
- Can you account for the rate of covetousness perpetrated by an individual?.
Obviously, the lists are just endless but you need to see the insanity in fashion today - where decency is the missing link here alongside the forgetfulness of the dignity in the human body (Private-P). On the music side, have you ever thought of music today as the food to the soul? Although, good music specialists still exist but the noise makers are the order of the day. The worries of today are the lesson the younger generation are gaining from the noise makers ranging from sexual orientation, dress habits, to attitude towards life.
Moving further to the issue of choice of relationship, do imagine your inputs together MALE-MALE, FEMALE–FEMALE if it brings about anything other than a waste of time and resources. The so much claimed happiness never stand the test of time while doing it alright maketh life worth living. Although, Life itself never stops teaching - never give up learning and embrace sanity amidst your challenges.
Without mincing word, the act of being in a possession of wealth, power, fame that doesn’t benefit the human race can be seen as insanity upon insanity. This is implying the possession of public resources without utilizing it appropriately is insanity.
Moving further to the issue of choice of relationship, do imagine your inputs together MALE-MALE, FEMALE–FEMALE if it brings about anything other than a waste of time and resources. The so much claimed happiness never stand the test of time while doing it alright maketh life worth living. Although, Life itself never stops teaching - never give up learning and embrace sanity amidst your challenges.
Without mincing word, the act of being in a possession of wealth, power, fame that doesn’t benefit the human race can be seen as insanity upon insanity. This is implying the possession of public resources without utilizing it appropriately is insanity.
Above all, everything boils down to values. What are your personal values? Do not forget those values of yours are not there at birth, you acquired them from a source – family, friends, community/nation. Ask yourself, are you living in line with the acquired value? Have you substituted or changed them to suit your situation? Whichever is your answer, remember to live a sane life.
#Embrace Sanity#
#Support Humanity#
#Live Responsibly#
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