
Showing posts with the label terrorism

What Boko Haram Sect has Successfully Proved So Far in Nigeria

At the mention of Boko Haram sect operations in Nigeria via any news platform today, what pops in peoples' head is another bizarre occurrence - massive destruction leaving occupants of the affected area in fear, tears and agony. This feeling has engrossed the minds of Nigerians as far back as its early occurrence in 2007 till this present time. This sect name "Boko Haram" literary meaning western education is a sin has proven so many things through Western education in Nigeria. The extent at which this sect has wrecked havoc remains frontline amidst earlier actions of other insurgencies/civil wars in Nigeria. In light of these, it is worthy to enlist what Boko Haram Insurgencies have successfully proved so far in Nigeria. They "Boko Haram " are more strategic than the Nigerian army - the most feared military squad in Africa.  They are more knowledgeable of the nooks and crannies that link to Nigeria than Nigeria itself. They are well equipped with a