Open Letter to All Student; Learn Now or Suffer Greatly in any Academic Level

Advice for Student on Academic Environment
University system today is an open place where all the realities of life are noticeable without having to use a microscope. In essence, the university is a no man’s land (federal, state or private ownership) where people converge from diverse areas within and outside the locality for academic pursuit. Although, the amount of student with the ultimate desire to fulfill the desired goal are relatively few today compared to the massive fashionista, party crooners, money hunter, and lots more. 

Annexing further, the conglomeration of people hereby comes out from any of these connections; friendship, dating, relationship, and relatively marriage. Involvement in any of the aforementioned affiliation goes a long way to influence the outcome of the students (psychologically, emotionally, socially…) irrespective of the family background and orientation. On another note, the beliefs of the university visitors are worthy of mentioning which can be seen as a replica of what we see today. In simplicity, university users (staffs and students) demonstrate their belief system (Christianity, Islam, Traditional) in one way or the other. It should not come as a surprise that the university system goes a long way to influence/change belief system of users. 

At this juncture, the question that should ring in your head is; what you need to learn in order not to suffer in any academic institution? 

At the BSc level, regardless of what you are studying on campus it is so essential to know the dynamics of the university system. For a new entrant (O’level holders), who never had a fore knowledge on how the university system works this piece is partly for you. 

Kindly, meditate on each of the questions raised underneath and note down your answers.
  • Do you know that university is an advanced learning arena? 
  • Have you ever thought of the demands of the university system? 
  • Has it ever occurred to you how you must attempt all questions raised for examination purposes?
  • Do you have a ready-made plan to guide you to triumph in the system? 
Obviously, there is more to any of these question raised above. In order for you to succeed greatly, you need to have a foreknowledge of the demands of your lecturers from your predecessors. 

This point is key to your survival in any university you find yourself. 

Having orientated about what each lecturers wants, all that you need to do/know boils down to; you, your habit and your attitude. The you here is the totality of what you doing day in day out capable of moving you closer or far away from your desired end (First Class, Second Class Upper, Second Class Lower, Third Class, PASS. 
  • Do you know the choice is yours to make from any of the end at the start of the four years race (100L)? Even if you never had this orientation at an earlier stage (100L), its never too late at 200L, 300L and even 400L. This will only set your pace to triumph in your advanced academic level. 
At the MSc Level, the demands and dynamics of the university is a different ball game. As a student, you are expected to have had a sound basis of your discipline. At this stage, no more spoon feeding, lesser teaching (but strictly lecture), lesser supervision at a task and more demonstration of knowledge in writing and presentation. At this level, more regard is shown to the student because they are potential academia or MASTERS in their various disciplines (professionals). 
This level demands comes with lose of job, illness, financial setback, emotional trauma, psychological challenges to mention but a few. Considering any of these setback, what hope lies for PhD pursuant? Same fate if care is not taken. 
Furthermore, the most important (if not last) stage of your academic career that demands more caution and understanding is your PhD. This stage is more demanding, breathtaking, and pressure soaked - as if it’s a football decisive match. Before annexing further, Can you give a succinct definition for PhD? If Yes, keep it to yourself and read further. At this juncture, it is essential to feed you with the demands of PhD
  • Research 
  • Mastery of disciplines philosophy 
  • Communication skills (Presentation of research output inclusive) 
  • Financial Strength (This is important but not the significant one) 
  • Morals (Read and put to practice the first law in the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene) 
With the possession of all the aforementioned demands, there are more than few reasons why your PhD can be a prolonged labour. Thus, the amount of candidate in your school (and even your school) is a factor, your supervisors’ (If you have one) absence and willingness to support you is key to your PhD degree while your attitude towards the programme regardless of how brilliant you might be goes a long way to affect you. 
Am quite sure, that majority of the PhD pursuant do not possess all of these key qualities while the brilliant ones lack the needed morals that can skyrocket their programme within a short while. I hope you know there is politics in PhD pursuit? If you do and you are ready to follow it through BRAVO. If you do not, this piece is readily for you – Play the Politics. 
Learn now before its’ too late - its’ never too late though
#Play the Politics# 
#Happy Schooling#


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