Open Letter to All Parent; Why Most University Student Graduate with Poor Grades

Why University Student Graduate Poorly
Success in life agreeably is all about proper preparation and determination of individual in any calling but many predators could scupper the chances - academic performance and achievement is no exception. Academic performance of student today is a compendium of factor within and outside the learner's realm - school factor, teacher factor, parent factor, environmental fact and student factor. The master keys of all is the S.T.E - School, Teacher and the Environment having agreed that the student factor is well tidied.

The school characteristic is quite important to the attitude, perception and knowledge shown by student on/off campus. School standard - facilities available for teaching-learning process (buildings, labouratories, projectors, e-library, manual library, university residential system...), monitoring and supervision of teaching exercise (cushioning unnecessary habits).

The learning environment is another worthy criteria capable of determining (building) the development of student future respectively. This environment within and outside the school continue to shape and reshapes the actions/activities of the learner. Degree of social life inherent in the school environment is another index capable of derailing students from their primary objective if adequate is not taken. In essence, the nature of the learning environment goes a mile to determine student academic excellence.

Nevertheless, the most important of the S.T.E is the middleman (T) - teacher factor; teachers academic qualification, years of experience, relationship with students and the knowledge of delivering the subject matter under different atmosphere. Hence, the role played by the custodian of learning "Lecturer" "Alpha and Omega of a Course" goes a long way to determine the performance of student regardless of how the student approach the exam question.

Individual differences (principles, educational qualification, knowledge of the subject matter) set out to determine which lecturer aids students academic performance or not. Attitudes of cruel lecturers are;
  • To intimidate student
  • To moderate student score regardless of the content in their answer sheet.
  • To monitor students CGPA to avoid graduating with grades 
  • To demand their gratification immediately
The exact opposite - are the ideal one with the following signs;
  • They are mostly mentors for students
  • They justify students hard work
  • They encourage and support student
  • They are mostly social fathers and mothers
  • They delay gratifications
NOTE: This piece suits majorly the serious students who has adequate orientation of how things should work in the university (in an ideal society) but still finds their buttocks lashed by wicked lecturers.


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