Reactions to the New Testament Churches Prerequisites for Marriage (LADIES TAKE NOTE)

The union between a man and woman has recently taken a twist compared to the yesteryear where kidnapping of one's choice without her consent was the order of the day. Although, the reality of the prerequisite for marriage goes on further based on the regions custom and tradition in question. It is believed some clowns subject the passionate groom to strokes of cane, some places huge amount of money on their daughter as if they're trading gold and silver while some group holds virginity in high esteem ahead of other important factor. Noticeably, civilization had altered or totally changed the realities of many region today due to the influence of the western culture (Christianity) and northern religion (Islam) among others. Without mincing word, these religion plays so much impact in our day-day endeavour ranging from dress sense, belief systems, attitude/perception towards life and lately whom to marry and the requirement for marriage. READ ALSO; Reasons Why MR....