
Showing posts with the label personal development

Twenty (20) Important Lessons from the First Half of the Year 2020

The year 2020 has been a year praised long before its presence in Nigeria. Remember “Vision 2020”. If we had known this is what we have in stock, we would have changed the vision a long time ago. The year met us unguarded and shocked the entire world with the outbreak of Coronavirus disease leading to unexpected circumstances affecting all and sundry. It is worth saying that hunger virus also attacked many Nigerians during the lockdown session of Coronavirus outbreak. Some people lost their lives. Some lost their beloved ones. Some lost their jobs partly while some lost it completely. At the extreme, some people lost their focus. Read Also: How to Play Safe on any Date with New Found Love of Yours Positively, some people have successfully risen above the waters. This is why the saying “opportunity exist in every situation” is appropriate. What then are the important lessons from the first six months in the year 2020 filled with opportunities, shocks, disruptions, pains to menti...

How to Live and Triumph in the Nigeria Society We Find Ourselves Today

By nature, there are some things that are basically unchangeable. Such is the case of; where we were born, who gave birth to us, our gender, and all sorts. The beauty of this description is that where we find ourselves goes a long way to determine our lifestyles, thought pattern, orientation, belief systems and behavioural patterns.

Pursuing your Dreams in High Heels

Have you ever wondered why several years after you had a “dream” you still remain where you laid? Have you also had the feeling that every(thing/one) around you is changing drastically without notifying you? Well, these are some of the things life throws at your doorsteps and you need to assess how well you are handling them without a sweat. So, let’s talk about the dream. A dream could simply mean any of these “ imaginary events seen in the mind ”, “ a visionary schem e”, “ a wild conceit ” or “ an old fantasy ”. As individuals, we all have those things in our mind that we wish or hope to have or become. Either positive or negative, a dream can be challenging as it may require some mental, spiritual or even physical efforts for its actualization.  Hence, there is need to identify one’s dream as either positive or negative before moving it up the ladder of actualization. Kindly, stay positive if want to climb this ladder with your high heels on. Hey Ladies! Ever hea...

Why you Constantly GO Broke???

It is often said that no matter the largeness of one’s account balance (cash) luxuries of this world can usurp it within a twinkle of an eye. This is implying that all rich individual’s today have the tendency of getting richer or being broke if considerable care is not taken. On realistic terms, the difference between richness and brokenness lies in the individual extent of financial education. Financial education imbibes/teaches how money can be managed, utilized for the optimum benefit of self and others. Do not be surprised by the fact that some individuals with highest degree of education lacks this financial knowledge while a common man flourishes with ease without a moment of being broke. Moreover, the question of how you got broke should strike your heart at this moment irrespective of your financial earnings (daily, weekly, monthly, annually). So many people attached their misfortunes to spirituality, while some are of the opinion that their earning is at a low ebb. ...