Twenty (20) Important Lessons from the First Half of the Year 2020

The year 2020 has been a year praised long before its presence in Nigeria. Remember “Vision 2020”. If we had known this is what we have in stock, we would have changed the vision a long time ago. The year met us unguarded and shocked the entire world with the outbreak of Coronavirus disease leading to unexpected circumstances affecting all and sundry. It is worth saying that hunger virus also attacked many Nigerians during the lockdown session of Coronavirus outbreak. Some people lost their lives. Some lost their beloved ones. Some lost their jobs partly while some lost it completely. At the extreme, some people lost their focus. Read Also: How to Play Safe on any Date with New Found Love of Yours Positively, some people have successfully risen above the waters. This is why the saying “opportunity exist in every situation” is appropriate. What then are the important lessons from the first six months in the year 2020 filled with opportunities, shocks, disruptions, pains to menti...