
Showing posts with the label politics

Weighing the Chances of Achieving Secession in Nigeria

Today in Nigeria, from the East to the North and from the South to the East drums of secession seems to be louder and louder by the day. Among the regions, the paramount advocate of this goal from time immemorial in Nigeria were the Easterners for various reasons under the household name "Marginalisation", "Underdevelopment", "Segregation" and so on.  Lately, as read on - Adeyinka Grandson (President of the Young Yorubas for Freedom) advocated for the independence of the Oduduwa republic which is also similar to the notion of Opeoluwa Akinola at a press conference held in Lagos. This in itself also corroborates with the insecurity of Easterner's in the North having heard Arewa group declared October 1st, 2017 as the deadline for all Easterner's to vacate the North. For reasons best known to them, the pronouncement has raised another controversial statement implying "the Northerners are tired of tolerating the Easterners" ...

What will give ROOM for Worthy Aspirants in Nigerian Politics Today

Politics in Nigeria as it is today has incubated in itself several obstacles that restrict and limit the chances of participation for all and sundry; especially the youths, less privileged, and less influential. It is in light of the above, that certain campaigns have been staged as well as series of protest from all nooks and crannies of Nigeria's jurisdiction. One of the fundamental changes expected in our political engineering is about aspirants and party nomination. Hence, the need for quality representation and leadership demands that the following should be ensured;  Aspirants are qualified by their educational status  Aspirants are not influenced by corrupt expectations but by the ability to lead effectively.  There should be a pre-political training school for any Nigerian aspiring to be a politician in the future. This will form a training hub for future sound politicians in our own battered political sensibilities that are tilted towards corruption....

How a Replica of Lagos Island Flood in Other Places can be MORE Devastating

Lagos State today is arguably one of the megacities in the heart of Nigeria due to the massive transformation that had taken place from the reign of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola and to the incumbent Governor Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode. All administrators - past and present collectively ensured continuity programme by developing the state which has so far yielded tremendous goodies - wealth and popularity on a global scale ahead of other city-states in Nigeria. In the course of ensuring transformation and development of the areas (mainland and island), a lot of natural resources - water, land... have been altered/moderated without taking cognizance of its likely devastating effect. Of all the resources highlighted earlier, "Water" (river/lagoon) seems to be the most powerful in entirety, capable of ruining whosoever that manipulates it without adequate caution and supervision. This is why major mega cities (China, Japan, Ibadan, Lagos) had experienced...

Another Chance for Ijebu State to Come to Life; Take it Now or Wait Another Decade

A s earlier highlighted on this blog, Ijebu-Ode the most popular pillar in the region of Ijebu as at today lack certain basic elements capable of scuppering the long desired cry for Ijebu State. The cry for Ijebu-State is apparently not a new desire by the Ijebus as it dated back to the reign of Ex-Presidents; Olusegun Obasanjo, Umar Musa Yar'adua, and Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. In this present dispensation "Buhari's"; the bid, urge and the cry for Ijebu-State remains at a low ebb because the challenge "economic turbulence" they met superseded their expectations and preparations.  RELATED; Why Ijebu-Ode will not Experience Desired Development Anytime Soon Worthy of note, all fingers pointed to former President Olusegun Obasanjo - a typical Yoruba man who controlled the realms of Nigeria's affairs for 8years (thanks to a truncated third term bid) without significant efforts on the development of Yoruba State "LAGOYOSUN"- Lagos, Ogun, Oyo...

Why Kingpin Kidnapper - Evans Should be Utilized and not Crucified

The story of billionaire Lagos-based kidnapper "Chukwudi Dumeme Onwuamadike" popularly known as EVANS has raised a lot of contending issues and would remain a remarkable occurence in the history of Lagos, Nigeria. As regards his crucifixion or utilisation, it is highly imperative to enlist the reaction of people towards the case. Some people hail his level of professionalism, some value-oriented folks crucifies his action while some intelligentsia sees more positive than negatives in the story of Evans. Information gathered through the internet and his confession (via interview) on television stations revealed lots of jaw-dropping secrets about him and his modus operandi; He is a knowledgeable and successful being in the business. He has businesses outside Nigeria just to leave out unnecessary suspicion about his activities. He chooses to receive dollars in all his dealings. He is adequately knowledgeable of his terrain. He knows the people that matter around h...

See the Exact Plan Nnamdi Kanu Needs to Achieve more than Biafra's Independence

Nnamdi Kanu, the current frontier of Independent People of Biafra (IPOB) strategic plan to achieve the aim of independence (engineered by the late Odumegwu Ojukwu) for his region has been fruitless overtime. This is because the wish(es) of the small sect is statistically insignificant to other region/zone. Due to this, the intensity of the protest via different strategies (Radio-Biafra launching, public rally, use of placard...) as therefore led to his arrest and at the extreme a short trip to the total institution. While in the custody, his followers agitated for his release without foregoing the ambition of seceding from Nigeria. At a point, his followers threaten the Federal Government of Nigeria "could anything happen to Kanu, Nigeria is finished. After so much tension and pressure, the efforts of his followers and well-wishers were futile by his release with certain bail conditions. At his return, his BMS - body, mind and soul remains the same towards the target...

12 Cogent Things that Have Happened to Nigeria after the Demise of Chief M.K.O. Abiola

As celebrated today in Nigeria- the 12th day of June 2017, marks the 24th year that the late global figure, powerful businessman, philanthropist and politician named Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola popularly known as Chief M.K.O Abiola contested for The Presidency in 1993. It was indeed a day worth remembering for Nigerians who massively voted for Abiola to rule the nation but surprising an unexpected occurred. The day that should have been a day of celebration for Yoruba folks and Nigeria at large later turns out to be mere history as we speak without any official note that Chief M.K.O once ruled the nation, Nigeria at a particular time. History reveals that General Ibrahim Babangida's administration reportedly annulled the election for reasons best known to him. During this period, all efforts by Chief M.K.O to be reinstated as the winner of the election was futile regardless of his international connections. READ ALSO; Why Ijebu-Ode Will Not Experience Desired Develo...

Reactions to Doyin Okupe's Notion on Why Osinbajo Must not Contest if Buhari Dies

Quoting, Doyin Okupe the former Senior Special Assistant on Public Affairs to former President Goodluck Jonathan (2010 - 2015) of Nigeria noted that Vice President Yemi Osibajo should not contest come 2019 if Buhari dies. He said the current Acting President (while the President-elect undergoes medical treatment abroad presently) should not vie for The Presidency come 2019 for the sake of the Northerners. Okupe's stand is based on the way and manner Zoning principle is highly respected and strictly followed in Nigeria's politics but certain circumstances beyond human control have often truncated such plans. For instance, incapacitation as a result of ill-health which can later lead to the demise of the Mr President is a serious issue. When such cases arise, constitutionally all power shifts gears to the Vice President. RELATED; Administration of KING JON BUH - Reactions and Criticisms The first experience Nigeria had under the reigned of late President Umar Mu...

Democracy Day Celebration in Nigeria; A FlashBack Till Date

It's been 57 years since Nigeria had the leverage to be ruled by their own indigenous people they trust. This opportunity might never come if not for the relentless efforts of freedom fighters from different nooks and crannies of the country. Such honors goes to the likes of Chief Obafemi Awolowo of the Yorubas, Nnamdi Azikwe of the Igbos and Sir Ahmadu Bello of the North... who ensured independence was granted to their beloved country. Leaving off from the path laid by the Colonial masters, several noticeable lifestyles/cultures were drafted into the life of Nigeria consciously and unconsciously as well as other Africa nations. Democracy was one of the adopted lifestyle of the West which is basically the trending system of government by statistics in 21st Century. This system of government gave people the franchise to choose their representatives, in conjunction with many other freedoms (freedom of speech, expression, liberty...) attached to it. The practice of this sys...

How Constituted Authority of Today Manipulate the Minds of Nigerians

Special thanks to Governor Ajimobi of Oyo State for bringing to limelight the longtime coinage "constituted authority". He has indeed justified the prestigious seat, the power inherent in it and the attitude portrayed by people of the seat. Noticeably, the constituted authority in Nigeria of today is the ‘All Progressive Congress’ operating at all levels - federal, state and local with an ideology to change the then limping economy. As Medical Doctors rely on their surgical tools and instruments, and the Judge's pronouncement is incomplete without a gavel (say hammer), then the Constituted Authority cannot but operate with the aid of certain elements for running its affairs. At this juncture, one should reason about the elements used and how they prevail. The elements in question here are the three P's - Politricks, Press, and Propaganda which work for the benefit of the government. The elements highlighted above work inter-relatedly and inter-dep...

How Consciousness Can Free Nigeria from Slavery of Today

Since Nigeria got their independence, things have been comme ci comme ça , just as the holy spirit was wandering on the surface of Water. Invariably, the leadership of Nigeria has not yielded the much-anticipated freedom from the slavery of the British era. However, it is worrisome that slavery thrives in the hands of the ruler even after the demise of colonial masters as against the masses' interest. Slavery today is noticeable on various platforms; the relationship between the ruled and the ruler; the share of nation's wealth; available opportunities to move from one status to another; discrimination on a regional basis (West, South, North, East); choice of leadership and lots more. All the highlighted form of slavery came prior Nigeria's independence and still thrives in contemporary time "21st century". This is indeed a part of the justification for the under-developed state of the self-proclaimed "Giant of Africa" among her contempora...