
Unbelievable facts about MALARIA

   Here are some key points on malaria..........  • Malaria was first identified in 1880 as a disease caused by parasitic infection  • The name of the disease comes from the Italian word mal'aria, meaning "bad air"  • Malaria is transmitted to humans through bites by infected mosquitoes  • The most common time for these mosquitoes to be active is between dusk and dawn  • Worldwide, there were an estimated 198 million cases of malaria in 2013 and 584,000 deaths  • Malaria occurs mostly in poor, tropical and subtropical areas of the world  • Malaria was eliminated from the US in the early 1950s, but the mosquitos that carry and transmit the malaria parasite still remain, creating a constant risk of reintroduction  • Reported malaria cases in the US reached a 40-year high of 1,925 in 2011 • A malaria vaccine for humans is close to being approved for use in Europe • An estimated 3.4 billion people in 106 countries and territories are at risk of malari

Trending!!! Notorious Armed Robbery Squad Nabbed in Ijebu Ode

No one could ever imagine that an hardworking young mechanic with the name SEGUN situated at Omo-Owo with queuing customers could ever mastermind or engage in criminal related activity. On the 3rd of October, 2016, Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARs) stormed this man’s workshop (OKADA repairs) with their official duty bus for criminal related charges. At the spot, the street members were bewildered as to what SARs could be doing in an OKADA engineer workshop.           Shockingly, he was questioned briefly for breach of public peace (criminal activities) which he denied before showing his accomplice behind the bus. At the sight of those nabbed, realities of life began to surface - facing the same fate as his co-criminals. At the spot, master key(s) were retrieved from him capable of opening doors (padlocks, gates…) with the exception of the heaven’s gate – am quite sure about that.           While in the custody of the SARS, he had made numerous jaw dropping tours of his criminal

An Open Letter to All: How to connect with your future speedily

Be aware your "future" cometh whether or not you consciously create it sooner or later. For you not to be shocked, it is therefore paramount for you to work  towards determining it's outcome with all the necessary tools and strategies within your reach. However, it is advised you provide sincere answers to few questions raised below before reading further. Do you think you have a future at all? Can you describe your future? If you think you have one How close are you to the future? How sure are you the future will come the way you're expecting it? What are you doing today to decorate the future? Without mincing words, it is highly expedient you walk in line with shared universal principles (if it is alien to you) to get to where your soul desire as at when due. Major Tips/Keys to a Successful Ending Basically, tips shared underneath revolves around you; your mindset, and your attitude towards life respectively. Be ready and prepared for the s

Trending!!! What hope lies for Tomorrow?

The preoccupation of philosophers, economists, and sociologists thoughts from time immemorial had at any point in human existence been about bringing to limelight the obscurity of tomorrow. These ability to predict the mirage is very rare (uncommon) has it can be termed as precious gift of life. In the midst of social milieu, scholars (intellectuals) i.e. practical minded fellows gives a description of the moment and how to better such in the future.  ‘Tomorrow’ originally designed to be an hidden agenda beyond the manipulation of man except for spiritual revelation or intervention. Although, “tomorrow” never comes it’s reality remains today with us. This corroborate with the saying “No one knows tomorrow”. As a student who wants to achieve the best in life he/she needs to work endlessly today according to her ability to ensure the ‘tomorrow’ he wants comes to say. A public servant, devoted to his/her duties at the office does that to ensure daily bread in present times and in

Major Reasons you may Need to Consider a Distance Relationship

Obviously, the sweetness in relationships today goes beyond the other word for gender "s3x" from the sensible individualistic point of view. Distance relationship makes this a reality while a face-face relationship is under tension to contest with the lustful desires to satisfy either the man or the woman.  Note, the  elements, or necessities in any juicy/rosy relationships boils down to the individual – orientation, experience, background, maturity to mention but a few. Nevertheless, time is at stake in any relationship embarked on since it’s a commitment. Trust is another factor whose stand must be solid or else rooms for double dating or more are made possible.  All said and done, there are more than few reasons to consider distance relationships today vis;  TEST LOVE   It is the true test of genuine love – this is where care, attention... can either prove or guarantee the livability and sustainability of the relationship. Although, the length of the relat

Nigeria at 56; Major Reasons for Celebration Galore

To be forewarned is to be forearmed, let it be known that we *Nigerians* will never have the cause for tears this year no matter the weather - come rain come shine. The ups and downs of today should not still shy away your eyes from the planned paradigm shift with unexpected results to live with. Have you ever thought of an OLD MAN of 56years with great potentials living like a toddler? It does not make sense at all - it should better be a super story. If that's the reality what do we do then - WE CHANGE THE CHANGE because CHANGE begins with HIIM. Above all, that you are alive to witness this CHANGE MANTRA, it is worth more than you ever imagined Have you ever thought about what the state of the economy will look life if power did not CHANGE hands in 2015? The messiahs of today would have blamed the hell out of the general public for their choice. Who do we blame today for the OLD MAN helpless state?   READ; NIGERIA TODAY - WHO OWNS THE BLAME What do we celebrate

INEC Decides Mr Godwin OBASEKI for EDO STATE 2016 poll

Controversies arises here and there over the proclaimed results of EDO state poll. PDP members and other political parties are left to rant on as the incumbent Party celebrate the victory of Mr. Godwin Obaseki. It's quite unfortunate that the power of the incumbent Governor and the party (Home Advantage) will not make the allegations stand the test of time.  God bless EDO STATE God help Nigeria. Happy Independence Day in Advance