Reasons Why President Muhammadu Buhari and co Seek Medical Care Abroad

The notion "health is wealth" is not just an assertion to the rich as against the poor who placed survival first, it is rather a do or do affair. In essence, the rich people "World Leaders", "Business Moguls", "Celebrities" seems to spend more money checking and rechecking their health status periodically. Due to the differences in the level of development across countries, people choose either to seek medical care within or outside their locals. The case of African leaders is a pointer to the level of their structural health imbalances which amongst other grant them the peripheral seat as used by Immanuel Wallerstein. In simplicity, there are many developed nations of today (Cuba, America, United Kingdom, Malaysia, India, Israel...) which are way ahead of others (sub-Saharan Africa in particular) by standard of health care service and its delivery to urban-rich, urban-poor, rural-rich, and rural-poor. READ ALSO; Innovations Sustaining ...