Five Places Knowledge can be Easily Acquired in Life (No 3 will Surprise you)

Places knowledge can be acquired
There is no gainsaying "Knowledge is Power" when there is no particular place linkable to such saying. Arguably, learning starts from one's cradle and ends at one's death. There exist some designated institutions/establishments to instil discipline and knowledge about how life operates.

Noticeably, the starting point of an individual learning begins with his/her family. Here, family members imbibe or teach new and existing members acceptable ways of life - behavioural expectations are imbibed in the life of children so as not to be a scapegoat of life and government.

Another important institution that teaches people real hard is the school system at a different level. At the primary level, the 3R's (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic) is the focal point of the institutions while the next level built on the 3R's to prepare one for the higher institution. At the entry of higher citadel of learning, students focus on their courses estranged with a vocation in order to be useful in the society. Other platforms for learning under this system include seminar, symposium, conferences, etc.

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Having graduated from the University/Polytechnics, real life experiences now form another basis for acquiring knowledge. This, therefore, supports the longtime saying "Experience is the Best Teacher". Hence, Life, therefore, takes it upon itself to teach people regardless of their academic achievements at different centres.

To start with, real/uncensored/unpurified knowledge also comes out (surfaces) during a gathering with elders. Here, people talk about their life experiences for the fun of the moment and not really to orientate fellow folks. This gathering at a party, beer parlour or during festive periods makes it worthwhile because utterances exchanged there cannot be found in any school curriculum.

However, whenever someone fails to learn from the aforementioned, he/she now becomes a victim of the situation. Victim of the situation here means he/she will find him/herself within the confines of the state institution (Police) charged for one offence or the other. Although, the experience of developing nations (Nigeria in particular) does not include only the offenders but also the innocent fellow who falls prey into the hungry lion's den. Knowledge fly here and there while in the police custody, it only takes the wise one to detect and isolate the bad lessons from the good ones to live as a responsible citizen of a nation.

At the detriment of it all, people can also learn from their mistakes and be a changed person within the prison custody. This is somehow related to the police custody because interaction will be made with people with different experiences. This is so because "variety is the spice of life" i.e. various experiences are shared day in day out amongst inmates and wardens capable of improving their knowledge about life.
In simplicity, all the aforementioned is a justification that life itself is a teacher - "the more we live, the more we learn". I pray life teach you softly but if the other way round is what you need to resuscitate your consciousness, then GOODLUCK.


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