Why You Must Think Beyond Valentine's Day Celebration

Happy Valentine
The special day celebration of Saint Valentine mostly called Valentine's Day anywhere in the World is nothing but a reflection of beautiful moments of love as roses (and other pleasant things) keep flying in and out before the d-day and afterwards from one locality to the other. I begin to ask myself why much preference is attached to this day when it's not the Christmas, the Boxing Day or even the New Year celebration.

An idea immediately popped up like my friend, Ayo Bankole would say -" its the season of love". Since love is the first and binding of all laws, I succumb to the day's celebration and the excitement it gives its' celebrants (ladies and gentleman). For an everlasting enjoyment of the goodies attached to the day, CUNCAR must be considered by the lovers involved. CUNCAR here implies;
  • C - Care
  • UN- Understanding
  • CA - Caution
  • R - Reasoning
Care and Understanding can sustain a rapport/relationship for a while but Caution and Reasoning can make it stand the test of time. Why you must think beyond this memorable day, "Valentine" is worthy of mentioning due to what the day bringeth;
  •  Fond memories
  • Gifts exchange
  • Shopping
  • Outings
  • Showoffs
Beyond the good tidings, the aftermath of the day might bring;
  • Emotional trauma
  • Heart Break leading to change in status (from being engaged/taken to single and seriously searching)
  • Psychological problems
  • Eternal scar

In simplicity, the reason for the season is inherent in people's actions and reactions. In other words, prior to the valentine's day, one of the party (either the guy or lady) does more than the necessary all in the name of the season and nothing more. After the show time (valentine celebration), issues begin to spring up not just because the season is over but because the proclaimed and demonstrated love was not originally there.

Valentine or No Valentine - Let Your Every Day Speaketh Truth, Life and Love.


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