Twelve (12) Trends that Rocked the Year 2017 in Nigeria

Nigeria Trends in 2017
In a span of 365days, there is a likely tendency for certain occurrences to manifest with 100% level of certainty in any country. Occurrences like Accidents, Birth, Death, Holidays, Seasonal Changes (Raining, Dry and Harmattan), Criminal Acts, Court Cases, and all sorts are natural mystic that comes every year in most if not all countries or communities today.

For instance, it is obvious that Nigeria recorded a significant amount of birth and death rate this year; different climatic conditions; and numerous police/court cases as a result of peoples' involvement in any crime or deviant act. Having established this fact, it is, however, imperative to enlist the peculiarities of the Year 2017 among other years in Nigeria. This year alone has accommodated many dramas emanating from both the government and the governed. All these acts of theirs individually and collectively make up the trend that rocked the Year 2017 in Nigeria.

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For better clarity, it is quite important to list the trends before discussing them one after the other.
  1. Economic Recession
  2. Exchange Rate 
  3. Boko Haram Activities
  4. Death of Beloved Ones
  5. Kidnapping Cases
  6. Independent People of Biafra's Activity
  7. Yahoo Plus Activities
  8. Pool of Unwanted Pregnancies
  9. Buhari's Death Controversy and the Other Room's Saga
  10. Whistle Blowing Activities
  11. Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) Controversy
  12. Creation of Statue and Ministry of Happiness
The occurrence of economic recession in the Year 2017 rocked the ship of Nigerians to the extent that the ship almost collapsed. The economy was so breathtaking for all and sundry - particularly the general masses because their means of livelihood - earnings could not account for their livelihood. All that people strived majorly for was just survival before thinking of anything else. In short, hardship and poverty were more than the anticipated from the CHANGE advocate in the year 2017.

In the year 2017, the exchange rate value for the very first time in Nigeria SKYROCKETED to the range of 400-700 in relations to other world currencies - Dollars ($), Pounds (£), Euro (€) and so on. The highest rate exchanged for one dollar was over N400 in the year 2017 but it never reached the N500 tally respectively. In short, the exchange rate of Nigeria currency "Naira" is quite higher than what we used to have in subsequent years.

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The year 2017 like other years since the Goodluck Ebele Jonathan's administration also witnessed the bombing activities of the suicide bombers deployed by Boko Haram leaders as well as the falling of a number of our gallant soldiers on the battlefield. The year 2017 also experienced kidnapping cases of both innocent Nigerian citizens (though not as pronounced as the 250 Chibok girls) as well as the capture of prominent Boko Haram terrorists as claimed. This, therefore, justifies that Boko Haram activities lives on in Nigeria as at date.

The year 2017 witnessed the arrest, re-arrest and release of the popular agitator of the sovereign state of Biafra "Nnamdi Kanu" in the 21st century after the last struggle spearheaded by Late Lieutenant Colonel Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu in the year 1967. For the very first time in the year, the group instilled fear in the Nigerian government by creating indigenous soldiers in their so-called "Biafra Region". This was the last time we heard anything about Biafra - with their leader acclaimed missing (after the Nigerian army stormed the arena)  along with the controversy that surrounds IPOB being named a terrorist group.

Kidnapping cases is a pervasive issue in Nigeria as far back as the millennium but the year 2017's case(s) leaves most people in a jaw-dropping state. The year 2017 was the year popular millionnaire Kidnapper Chukwudi Dumeme Onwuamadike a.k.a. Evans was napped. His activities have often branded him as the king in the game for he demands dollars ($) for ransom from the families/relative of the victims. This act in itself justified kidnapping for ransom as an official illegal business carried out in all the states of the federation in the year 2017.

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The year 2017 also reflects the transformation of the "Yahoo Yahoo" activities to Yahoo Plus or in simplicity "Ritualist". It was revealed on television stations, documented in newspaper dailies that Youths no longer deal on Yahoo Yahoo basis alone anymore but rather on rituals. This was noticed based on the several human parts found with Yahoo boys apprehended by Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) in Nigeria. All these activities have made some run mad while it has also brought about the untimely death of the so-called game players in Nigeria.

The year 2017 also justify the increasing rate of youths involved in pre-marital sex due to their exposure via the mass media - television programmes, internet materials. Since there is always an end result of such actions, a majority of the youths now roam the public places - street, school, market... with unwanted pregnancies.

The year 2017 like other years also recorded a significant amount of different calibre of people's death in the society. Am quite sure, you are conversant with the death of at least one or two people around your - neighbourhood, workplace, marketplace, school, religious homes in the year 2017. As inevitable as death is, the departure of some of our celebrities whom we have no blood connections to often leaves more grief than expected. Such is the demise of Toyin Majekodunmi, Pastor Ajidara, Olumide Bakare, Royhillz Edozie, Eric Arubayi jnr., Moji Olaiya, Jide Tinubu, Wasilat Ayinde, and host of others in the year 2017.

The year 2017 happened to be a year President Mohammadu Buhari was presumed dead due to his longtime medical trip to London without any official speech from him during this period. Someone categorically said at an intense point that if President Buhari returns alive, he will commit suicide. Eventually, he came back alive though lean and pale but he came back.
Based on the Other Room Saga, this is a word acclimatized to President Mohammadu Buhari of Nigeria when he replied his wife interview to BBC from Germany. He said that his wife, the first lady of Nigeria, "Aisha Buhari" knows nothing about politics because she belongs to the other room. Dear reader, feel free to do your interpretation of the other room.

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The year 2017 also witnessed something alien in the history of Nigeria in terms of the search for corrupt politicians and their cash hide-outs. Surprisingly, the year 2017 reveals the cash hide-outs of the corrupt past administrators with the help of the whistleblower policy. Such places were; Mortuary, Abandon Houses, Soak Away, Underground e.t.c. All thanks to the whistleblower for leaving us with something jaw-dropping "unbelievable" but real as claimed. How I wish I can blow a whistle too

This is a recent act that also made a wave in the year 2017. The perpetrator of this act is no other person but the much respected Governor of Imo State Godwin Okorocha. He has therefore erected a lot of statues of people that don't even have any peculiarity to Imo State or even Nigeria at large. This is why people are suggesting he erects the picture of the first Nigerian artiste to win the Best International Act popularly known as "Wizkid" or Daddy Yo. In the same vein, Governor Okorocha also woke up one morning in 2017 and deem it fit to create a ministry of happiness based on the fact that people are not happy.

Feel free to add to the list on the comment button. Happy ending 2017 readers, wishing you heavens best this year.


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