Ten (10) Tips on COVID-19 Palliatives Palava in Nigeria, Today
Due to this reality, many nations gave their citizens palliatives - foodstuff as at when due while some countries even gave out financial support to their citizens throughout the period of their forceful stay at home. This was nowhere near the reality of many states in Nigeria who were under lockdown from March till August 2020.
Although, some palliatives were shared at the 0.1% level while a larger share was hoarded for whatsoever reason by some state governors in Nigeria. It came as a shock to see many warehouses looted by hoodlums in Lagos, Nigeria at first to discover their entitlement. This tide, therefore, occurred at Kwara, Cross Rivers, Osun, Jos, Benin and other places in Nigeria.
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After the events of looting at other parts of the country where some people even lost their lives in the quest for food, many states like Taraba now decides to share their COVID-19 palliatives. Some Nigerians have been looking for warehouses used for hoarding COVID-19 palliatives across the country. What does all of these imply?
- There are chronic hunger and poverty in the land called Nigeria.
- There is chronic greed in the eyes of some Nigerians. Mahatma Gandhi once said, "the Earth has enough for everyone's need but not everyone's greed".
- The economy of the country is unfavourable to an average Nigerian.
- There exist serious unemployment and underemployment in the country.
- The political trust of the current administration is gradually fading off.
- The market price of commodities is unnecessarily high for an average Nigerian to deal with.
- The cost of living is relatively on the high side while the standard of living as average Nigerians is way too low in the 21st century.
- We are indeed suffering and smiling.
- Potentials are wasting on poverty charges. Lives are cut short every day in Nigeria due to lack of basic necessities.
- We need genuine help on the socio-economic ground for an average Nigerian.
Considering all these issues, don't you think we need a new Nigeria? Yes, we do need a nation of peace, love, unity and justice. If you subscribe to this ideology of new Nigeria, kindly contribute your quota at your end. Feel free to add other points to support our understanding of COVID-19 palliatives palava in Nigeria.
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